Personalised Education Now seeks to develop a rich, diverse, funded Personalised Educational Landscape to meet the learning needs, lifestyles and life choices made by individuals, families and communities.
Personalised Education Now has a foundation of principles and core values:
Principles of Personalisation… Personalised Education Now have developed these principles and indices of personalisation. They represent the underpinnings of any personalised educational setting and landscape. They are the agenda for transforming our learning systems and for Personalised Learning.
Personalised Education Now promotes education based on learner-managed learning, using a flexible catalogue curriculum, located in a variety of settings, and operating within a framework of democratic values and practices. An educator becomes, pre-dominantly, ‘the guide on the side’ rather than ’the sage on the stage’.
Personalised Education Now seeks to maintain ‘Edversity’ and the full range of learning contexts and methodologies compatible with Personalised Education, our latest understanding about the brain, and how we develop as learners and human beings throughout our lives.
Personalised Education results in learners whose outcomes are expressed in their character, personality, in the quality of life they lead, in the development and sustainability of our families, communities, and planet and in peaceful co-existence and conflict resolution. Performance indicators are measured as much in terms of their physical and mental health, in peaceful existence, freedom from crime, usefulness of contributions and work, levels of active citizenship etc as they are in the existing limitations of the assessment scores and paper accreditations.
Personalised Education Now welcomes members, both individuals and groups, who support and promote its vision. Its membership and supporters includes educators in learning centres, home based educating settings, schools, colleges and universities. They include interested individuals and families, teachers, head teachers, advisers, inspectors and academics. Personalised Education Now has extensive national and international links. Above all the issues of personalised education and learning are issues with relevance to every man, woman and child because they lie at the heart of what kind of society we wish to live in. If you would like to become a member then follow the join us link or alternatively contact us for more information.
This website is developing into a ‘one stop’ shop for all the work and resources of Personalised Education Now. Would you like more information?
Please complete the contact us form and we'll get back to you asap.
For telephone or conventional mail enquiries
Personalised Education Now,
General Office
Janet Meighan, Secretary
113 Arundel Drive
Tel / Fax: (00 44) 0115 925 7261