Personalised Education Now (PEN) is the trading name for The Centre for Personalised Education Trust, a charitable company, limited by guarantee. (Charity number: 1057442). It emerged from Education Now in 1996 as the Centre for Personalised Education Trust (CPE). In 2004, after 17 years pioneering work Education Now transferred its resources and membership to PEN.
Within our membership and supporters we have access to some great educational practitioners and thinkers of our time, and the accumulated wisdom of those from previous generations from the UK and around the world. We draw upon and help generate the resources of Education Now and Educational Heretics Press. The ideas developed within our networks have fuelled and given succour to those who have cared to really think about the nature of education and learning. They have influenced growing education critiques and debate and supported practitioners to such an extent that personalised education has now become a key government driver - albeit with a narrow focus and limited take on it.