Personalised Education Now seeks to develop a rich, diverse, funded Personalised Educational Landscape to meet the learning needs, lifestyles and life choices made by individuals, families and communities. It promotes education based on learner-managed learning, using a flexible catalogue curriculum, located in a variety of settings, and operating within a framework of democratic values and practices. The role of educators moves from being, predominately, ‘the sage on the stage’, to, mostly, ‘the guide on the side’.
We can envision a Personalised Educational Landscape in many ways. Two linked possibilities follow. The first looks at the educational landscape posing the idea of ‘learner traveller’ supported by ‘travel agents’ and takes note of the influence of new technologies. The second puts some flesh on such ideas and looks at possible ‘learning episodes’ and ‘journeys’. Both take us out of the current thinking into the territory where Personalised Education Now is working at re-conceptualising learning, life and community. ...Read More (PDF)